AddParenthesesInNestedExpression | Add parentheses in nested expression |
CharacterDatatypeUsage | Use VARCHAR2 instead of CHAR and VARCHAR |
CollapsibleIfStatements | Collapsible "if" statements should be merged |
ColumnsShouldHaveTableName | The columns in a SELECT should be prefixed with table name |
CommitRollback | Avoid COMMIT/ROLLBACK calls in database objects |
ComparisonWithBoolean | Avoid superfluous comparation against boolean literals |
ComparisonWithNull | Do not compare values against the NULL literal or an empty string |
ConcatenationWithNull | Unnecessary concatenation with NULL value |
CursorBodyInPackageSpec | Do not declare cursor bodies in a package specification |
DbmsOutputPut | Avoid direct calls to DBMS_OUTPUT procedures |
DeadCode | Dead code should be removed |
DeclareSectionWithoutDeclarations | Do not add the DECLARE keyword if the block doesn't have any declaration |
DisabledTest | Tests should not be disabled |
DuplicateConditionIfElsif | Related "if/elsif" statements should not have the same condition |
DuplicatedValueInIn | Duplicated value in an IN condition |
EmptyBlock | Empty blocks should be removed |
EmptyStringAssignment | Avoid using empty strings to represent NULL |
ExplicitInParameter | Parameter mode should be explicitly declared |
FunctionWithOutParameter | Avoid functions with OUT parameters |
IdenticalExpression | Identical expressions should not be used on both sides of an operator |
IfWithExit | Use EXIT WHEN instead of an IF statement to exit from a loop |
InequalityUsage | Only "<>" should be used to test inequality |
InsertWithoutColumns | Always specify the columns in an INSERT statement |
InvalidReferenceToObject | Invalid reference to Oracle Forms object |
NotASelectedExpression | ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified |
NotFound | Use cursor%NOTFOUND instead of NOT cursor%FOUND |
NvlWithNullParameter | Do not pass a NULL literal or an empty string to NVL |
ParsingError | Parser failure |
QueryWithoutExceptionHandling | Avoid queries without an exception handling block |
RaiseStandardException | Avoid raising standard exceptions |
RedundantExpectation | Test expectations should not be redundant |
ReturnOfBooleanExpression | Return of boolean expressions should not be wrapped into an "if-then-else" statement |
SameBranch | Branches in the same conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation |
SameCondition | Identical conditions should not be duplicated |
SelectAllColumns | SELECT * should not be used |
SelectWithRownumAndOrderBy | A SELECT cannot have a comparison with ROWNUM and an ORDER BY at the same level |
ToCharInOrderBy | Avoid TO_CHAR in an ORDER BY clause |
ToDateWithoutFormat | TO_DATE without date format |
TooManyRowsHandler | Avoid masking the TOO_MANY_ROWS exception |
UnhandledUserDefinedException | User defined exceptions should be handled |
UnnecessaryAliasInQuery | Unnecessary alias for table reference |
UnnecessaryElse | Unnecessary ELSE clause |
UnnecessaryLike | Do not use LIKE conditions without wildcards |
UnnecessaryNullStatement | Unnecessary NULL statement |
UnusedCursor | Unused cursors should be removed |
UnusedParameter | Unused parameters should be removed |
UnusedVariable | Unused local variables should be removed |
UselessParenthesis | Useless parentheses around expressions should be removed to prevent any misunderstanding |
VariableHiding | Do not redeclare variables in inner scope |
VariableInCount | Don't pass variables to COUNT function |
VariableInitializationWithFunctionCall | Avoid initializing variables using functions in the declaration section |
VariableInitializationWithNull | Variables and RECORD fields do not need to be initialized with NULL |
VariableName | Variables should comply with a naming convention |
XPath | Track breaches of an XPath rule |