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AddParenthesesInNestedExpressionAdd parentheses in nested expression
CharacterDatatypeUsageUse VARCHAR2 instead of CHAR and VARCHAR
CollapsibleIfStatementsCollapsible "if" statements should be merged
ColumnsShouldHaveTableNameThe columns in a SELECT should be prefixed with table name
CommitRollbackAvoid COMMIT/ROLLBACK calls in database objects
ComparisonWithBooleanAvoid superfluous comparation against boolean literals
ComparisonWithNullDo not compare values against the NULL literal or an empty string
ConcatenationWithNullUnnecessary concatenation with NULL value
CursorBodyInPackageSpecDo not declare cursor bodies in a package specification
DbmsOutputPutAvoid direct calls to DBMS_OUTPUT procedures
DeadCodeDead code should be removed
DeclareSectionWithoutDeclarationsDo not add the DECLARE keyword if the block doesn't have any declaration
DisabledTestTests should not be disabled
DuplicateConditionIfElsifRelated "if/elsif" statements should not have the same condition
DuplicatedValueInInDuplicated value in an IN condition
EmptyBlockEmpty blocks should be removed
EmptyStringAssignmentAvoid using empty strings to represent NULL
ExplicitInParameterParameter mode should be explicitly declared
FunctionWithOutParameterAvoid functions with OUT parameters
IdenticalExpressionIdentical expressions should not be used on both sides of an operator
IfWithExitUse EXIT WHEN instead of an IF statement to exit from a loop
InequalityUsageOnly "<>" should be used to test inequality
InsertWithoutColumnsAlways specify the columns in an INSERT statement
InvalidReferenceToObjectInvalid reference to Oracle Forms object
NotASelectedExpressionORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified
NotFoundUse cursor%NOTFOUND instead of NOT cursor%FOUND
NvlWithNullParameterDo not pass a NULL literal or an empty string to NVL
ParsingErrorParser failure
QueryWithoutExceptionHandlingAvoid queries without an exception handling block
RaiseStandardExceptionAvoid raising standard exceptions
RedundantExpectationTest expectations should not be redundant
ReturnOfBooleanExpressionReturn of boolean expressions should not be wrapped into an "if-then-else" statement
SameBranchBranches in the same conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation
SameConditionIdentical conditions should not be duplicated
SelectAllColumnsSELECT * should not be used
SelectWithRownumAndOrderByA SELECT cannot have a comparison with ROWNUM and an ORDER BY at the same level
ToCharInOrderByAvoid TO_CHAR in an ORDER BY clause
ToDateWithoutFormatTO_DATE without date format
TooManyRowsHandlerAvoid masking the TOO_MANY_ROWS exception
UnhandledUserDefinedExceptionUser defined exceptions should be handled
UnnecessaryAliasInQueryUnnecessary alias for table reference
UnnecessaryElseUnnecessary ELSE clause
UnnecessaryLikeDo not use LIKE conditions without wildcards
UnnecessaryNullStatementUnnecessary NULL statement
UnusedCursorUnused cursors should be removed
UnusedParameterUnused parameters should be removed
UnusedVariableUnused local variables should be removed
UselessParenthesisUseless parentheses around expressions should be removed to prevent any misunderstanding
VariableHidingDo not redeclare variables in inner scope
VariableInCountDon't pass variables to COUNT function
VariableInitializationWithFunctionCallAvoid initializing variables using functions in the declaration section
VariableInitializationWithNullVariables and RECORD fields do not need to be initialized with NULL
VariableNameVariables should comply with a naming convention
XPathTrack breaches of an XPath rule